Saturday, November 22, 2008

Wow we got a date.

Luckily (?) for me Sam's family are huge football fans, specifically BYU football fans. So Isaac drove the six hours here to see the byu/utah game. Not quite worth the drive since they lost, but the kids and I get to go back with him. Sam, Isaac and Charlotte went to the Jazz/Spurs game last night. Sam and I got up early this morning and went to the Temple, it has been too long. It was such a nice experience. We also got to go out for breakfast. Isaac is very good with the kids, watching them meant playing Wii for hours and jumping on the trampoline. We only scared him a little by telling him if Samantha had a seizure for five minutes (very unlikely) to call 911. He will be repayed when he is older by our kids watching his. We will also take him to see twilight next week. We also got to stay up late talking last night and will finish the night with a movie.

1 comment:

Mich said...

I'm glad that you got to go out on the town.