Thursday, November 6, 2008

Today while the sun shines

All your duties fulfill (okay that is not quite how the song goes but you get the gist.)

Today was a busy day. Charlotte came in about 5:00. Sam had to get up at 5:30 and he set 3 alarms two of which went off while he was in the shower. Now I am not one of those wives that gets up early with her spouse. The whole reason he was getting up was so that I didn't have to.

When the kids got up they were upset they said we can't find Samantha. They were quite worried.

Samantha had to have an MRI today, hence the early rising. She has partial seizures (don't worry that are not bad and are controlled with medicine). She had to be there at 6:15. So Charlotte and I dropped off Caleb and went to replace Sam so he could go to work.

Samantha was so cute. She was just waking up when we got there (of course they had to sedate her, because there is no other way to keep an eight month old still). They were rolling her to the post anesthesiology room. She was barely conscious and she wiggled and said Hi. It was so cute, but hard to explain.

Then we went home then we took. Charlotte to preschool. So Samantha and I spent the two hours wandering stores. Then we had to take an extra set of clothes to Caleb. Then we went home. Then we went and got Caleb and then Came home, did homework, and jumped on the trampoline. Needless to say we had frozen pizza for dinner.

So minus the MRI that is a typical day. I think I'll spend tomorrow recovering and finally download our pictures so we can do some proper blogs.


The Bergquist Fam said...

i'm glad things went well yesturday. like i said i'm a blog stalker...sorry. but i like your blog! here's our blog if you want to stop by

Bonny said...

Ah, who decides what a normal post is? Its your blog! Sorry for the craziness. I sympathize. Love you and thanks for listening to my woes!