Sunday, June 29, 2008

Curve Balls and Hand Grenades

Life can throw you curve balls, hand grenades, road side bombs, and thermonuclear explosions. Depending on the day or month and the general situation that I am in the regular curve ball can turn into any of the above. I haven't had any nuclear explosions lately, but I have had some curve balls and hand grenades.

This past month we have been looking at houses. We have been looking high and low for the perfect house for our family. We didn't want anything to extravagant, but you can do pretty well in the San Antonio market.

Well we found our perfect house. It was big, had 4 bedrooms, a loft, a large kitchen, and two decks (one out the dining room and the other out the master bedroom.) It was a little older, and needed some work but we thought that we were up to the task. We made an offer and in time we were under contract and we had the house inspected. We found that both decks in the back were rotted through and needed to be replaced. Also the air conditioner was under powered for the house and was older. The inspector thought that it had about 2 good years left. Well this threw a wrench into our situation. We decided to get out of the contract (we had an option to get out and we took it.)

Anyway that was our little adventure. After that we decided that a new home would be nice. We are purchasing a home that is currently under construction. We are very pleased with it. So our little hit with the hand grenade pushed us over into a new direction. Only time will tell if it is a good one.


Mich said...

Congratulations on the new house. I hope that it will work out for you, at least you know that the deck won't be rotting out from underneath you.

Bonny said...

I'm excited for you. I hope we can see it and you when it cools off a little.