Wednesday, June 6, 2007

And I Thought I was Crazy

The alarm goes off and it is another day of dealing with the endless problems of others. Part of psychiatry is finding out why people are crazy. Usually it is because sometime in the past the individual had an inner conflict where they hated their father and loved their mother and so they fixated on that said event subconsciously and if they cannot overcome the said conflict they will be stuck in a state of dysforia forever. This kind of logic works because no one really knows what it means, but it sounds smart.

It is nice that I have been able to be in Hawaii for this rotation. It has taken my mind off of other peoples minds. I have learned that people can be really crazy. I thought I knew what crazy was by growing up in the Grindstaff household. We had a bunch of star players like Chelle, Scott, Matthew, Amy, Sandra, Isaac, Aarron and Anita (quite the bunch). Looking back, we were definitely crazy, but we weren't wild crazies. The people I deal with make us look as sane as the Pope on Sunday (extra points for using a Pontiff cliche).

Now we have a new bunch of kids growing up in families across the United States. Hopefully they have fun with their not so wild but still crazy parents (the inlaws may be crazier then the rest of the bunch because they chose to come into our nutty family). As it is I will send my therapy bills to Mom and Dad. Don't worry, I will still have to pay, when my kids get old and realize they grew up with a bunch of crazies.

Samuel Grindstaff

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