Monday, January 19, 2009

Our Hospital Adventure

We were all excited last night because Caleb doesn't have school today and Sam doesn't have work (unless he is called in). Then Charlotte tripped and hit her head on a chair (MOm and dad's old kitchen chairs). I though she just bumped it and went to hug her, then I saw her forehead. Yep big gash, lots of blood. I hurried and put pressure on it and Daddy said it needed stitches.

Sam doesn't do well with our kids accidents and injuries. He can handle autopsies, and strangers injuries just fine. So I took Charlotte to the ER. It was packed we got into the ER about 8:30. They triaged her and the nurse wasn't sure she would need stitches, stupid nurse. We waited and waited. We were called back about 12:30 and yes she did need stitches. We still had to wait around forever. Charlotte fell asleep after they put the lydocain on. We finally got discharged about 3:30 a.m.

It was awful, I am so tired today. Then when they discharged us they said we could come back in a few days to get the stitches out. Yeah I don't think so, there has to be some benefit to daddy being a DR.


Mich said...

This doesn't sound like the kind of adventure you should have been having. I hope that the rest of your week is hospitalless.

The Bergquist Fam said...

ughh! i hate hospital, er visits. sorry, and i hope she is doing ok. that is awesome that sam can remove the stiches and save you a trip back. i was real glad when addy's stiches were the disolvable ones and we didn't have to go back.

Katie said...

Sorry about that! Love the speediness of E.R. visits. Not exactly where you would prefer to spend the day. I took my own stitches out after a minor injury. I'm sure Sam will do just fine.

Bonny said...

I talked to you already, but that still sucks. I told you that I keep expecting that one day with a child like Darren. I cross my fingers though. Take care and I'm sorry you are having a hard time. I hope you get better soon. I was really sick at first, but I'm so much better now just so tired.

Maurina said...

I'm so sorry. I hate going to the hospital, it always takes forever.