Monday, October 13, 2008

The trouble with having kids born in a different century

I'm not really that old I'm only 28 but life according to my kids makes me feel older.

Did you know that 1994 is old-fashioned times? Caleb does, he was setting the table and said he was doing it the old-fashioned way like from 1994.

What is film? We actually have a film camera but rarely use it. Caleb had a book from the library and it mentioned film and they asked what it was. Aren't all pictures viewed on computers?

What is a typewriter? When I did keyboarding in high school we learned on a typewriter. Caleb is taking computers starting from kindergarten.

What is a record player? Granted these are old, but my parents had records that we listened to over and over.

plus there are DVR's, e-mail, cell-phone's, blogs, dvd's that my kids think are just part of normal life(they are, but they haven't been for very long).


Bonny said...

Carlyn has a computer preschool! Crazy, huh?

Katie said...

It's sad to think what I once thought of as modern technology is already old fashioned to my kids. Aren't Sony Discman's still cool?

Mich said...

Do you think that our parents felt this way? I already knew I was out to pasture, I have no idea what my kids talk about sometimes. I just nod my head and pretend to know what the newest gadget with letters and numbers in the title.