Monday, September 8, 2008

aaa short kids with small heads...

...are nothing but trouble. Most of you will remember that Samantha is almost 7 months old. She is just starting to crawl and can sit herself up. She is considerably shorter than Caleb and Charlotte and doesn't have nearly as big of a head. She has started to try and climb up things. I have found her a number of times at the bottom of the stairs with her hands on the second step and she tries to use chair legs to stand up. Today she went to bed and screamed and screamed and screamed, then Charlotte comes out and says Samantha is standing up in the crib. Alas it was true. Here is our precocious baby.


Katie said...

I can't believe it! That is not the Samantha we remember from last summer. Babies change wayyy to fast. She is a cutie!

Sandra said...

Whoa! Way to go Samantha!

it make's me kind of sad that she is growing so fast, especially since I don't see her very often. Nevertheless, I am still proud of my little niece for standing up in the crib.

Keep working those muscles baby!

Mrs. Grindstaff said...

Hmmm. Is it time to get a baby gate for the stairs?

Shari said...

I love it when babies first stand up in their crib and then they don't know what to do next. They realize they're stuck and panic ensues. It's funny.

Great job Samantha!

Bonny said...

She has changed quite a bit. She reminds me of Annie a little. Ah, I better go. D is screaming in his crib from over-tiredness (no, that's not really a word.)

Mich said...

Is she going to be an early walker? Good luck to mom, dad and siblings. Logan is starting to walk around now and is in to everything! It's cute though.