Thursday, May 1, 2008


April has been a long and busy month. We haven't been good about updating the blog in that time, oh well.

I spent the month learning the ins and outs of working in the emergency department. There was the wild and crazy and the long and boring. I gave 5 people stitches, witnessed 4 codes, and one death. Thankfully most of what I saw was pretty minimal. Most importantly I have completed the academic requirements for medical school and now the rest is just a formality as I wait for graduation.

To celebrate this completion we went down to the Gulf of Mexico to San Padre Island and camped by the beach. While there we endured howling winds, rain, lightning and puddles 8 inches deep. It was very exciting to say the least. We survived, and the kids will have a good memory. Samantha didn't even flinch with the loud thunderings all around us.


Bonny said...

Hey, I'm the aunt that love her!!! I know, I know, there are others, but I gave her that onesie. Well, Aunt Gayle gave it to me, but I passed it on. Too cute. I can't believe she fits it already. I thought it was 9 month.

Sam and Emily Grindstaff said...

I had her wear the onesie for you Bonny. It is bigger but it will probably be too hot for her to wear later.