Friday, October 15, 2010

Hospital Stay

This years spring break was not so much fun. After finding out about Mantha's brain tumor they had to figure out if the tumor was causing her seizures. Caleb, Charlotte and Lucy stayed the week with Sam's parents, so they had an awesome time. We are lucky enough to live really close to Houston. We went to Texas Children's Hospital where they have an epilepsy clinic. We, Sam, Samantha and I, stayed for a few days in the hospital. She was hooked up to an EEG machine and we were under video monitoring the whole time.

Here she is playing with a doll from cousin Emma. My cousin Alisa lives near Houston so I was able to go spend the night there and she gave us some goody bags to help our stay.

Here is the view from our room

She was a trooper and played the whole time.

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