Sunday, January 27, 2008

Another Good Tax Season

It is the time of year when we are bombarded with W2's, 1099's, 1040's. We collect old receipts in hopes that the tax man gets a little less of our hard earned dollars. Those of us with children hope that there presence will help deflate those costs or perhaps help with that extra deduction and the EIC and child tax credit.

This is yet another year where the tax man has looked at my puny earnings and said you are so poor that instead of paying taxes we will give you money (this is only partly true as half of out income is untaxed allowances that don't show up on our taxes.) This little windfall in itself has now become a source of debate.

You see we have 3 things that we can do with this money. The first is be irresponsible and spend it on fun stuff. I personally have been eyeing the nice large HD TV's, and Emily would spend it on a new wardrobe and another Hawaii vacation. Though this would be fun, we decided that this year we would be responsible with our money and fore go the trip to Hawaii.

This leaves responsible things such as paying off our car loan or saving for a down payment on house. You see this summer we are planning on finally buying a home of our very own. . .so the dilemma is paying off our current debts (car in particular) vs saving for a down payment. This has been something we have debated for a while. Now it is your turn to let us know what to do and answer the survey on the right.


Katie said...

Barrett and I have to support your purchase of a HDTV. You can always buy a smaller version of the t.v you actually want and put the rest in savings. :)

Scott Grindstaff said...

My Vote is to go to Florida! Oh wait, that is what I am doing so if you would like to contribute to the Florida fund for me I would be most grateful.

Kara said...

My idea is even better. Donate it to your most humble brother and his wife (no it is not Scott and Maggie). I am sure you would recieve many blessings for it. J/K I am sure you will have fun with the money instead.

AmyW said...

Having fun is always funner then not having fun (yes I used funner on purpose) seriously though pay off what debts you have...only having a house payment would be much more economical that having lots of slightly smaller payments...of course you could just send me to Florida with Scott