Friday, March 30, 2007

A change of Pace

Throughout life we go through changes that tax our senses and help to keep our eyes clear and our perspective fixed. The process of changing; however, is often difficult even if the change is for the better and in the long run is the proper choice.

This week I went from being a zombie of general surgery to a well rested student of family medicine. The change was somewhat painful. You see, this week was full of lectures and workshops designed to help us over the upcoming weeks. It also included lectures about the art and practice of a caring physician. This may sound stimulating but under most circumstances these lectures are a cure for insomnia. Even under the heavy influence of caffeine my eyes droop and my head bobs.

In changing circumstances the bad of one situation is replaced by good; unfortunately the reverse is equally true. As life changes and we ponder their meaning may we hope that good will eventually come of all of it.

By Samuel Grindstaff

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